Wednesday 1 February 2012


Apart from high winds for a time on the 3rd, the month could generally be described as "benign".
The average maximum temperature was exactly on the long-term normal of 5.3, while the average minimum at -0.4, was 0.5 above the long-term figure.
There were 15 air frosts & 26 ground frosts.
Rainfall for the month at 100.1mms, was just 92% of normal. Nearly 1/3rd of this fell on the 2nd, while the 2nd & 4th between them delivered 53% of the month's total.
Snow(including sleet) fell on 7 days & was lying at 0900Hrs on 4 of these, the maximum depth being around 5.5cms only.

The Met Office is expecting a colder February than average, but so far at least, this winter, apart from some gales, is going rather well. Barry 01/02/12

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